
Ibolya Violet Imre


I began writing soon after my diagnosis and procedure in 2017. I felt it was important to document the details of the road we travelled, both for myself and for my family. Because my paternal grandmother had dementia, an illness that caused her progressive mental deterioration that lasted over a decade, I already had a general fear of inheriting something along those lines. However, that fear doubled once I learned that at age 44, I already had an issue with my brain. I was diagnosed and treated for Hydrocephalus. The fear of not being able to think clearly in my future became very real to me. Through it all, I realized how much I enjoyed sharing my heart, and also realized that perspective is incredibly important. I want those who know me, or want to know me, to have some idea about why I think the way I think, why I do some things the way I do them, what makes me tick. In the same way that ugly, dark colors must be used to make a beautiful painting, our ugly, dark days develop us into the masterpieces we become. My Creator God uses the pain, discomfort and trials in such a way that I can look back and realize that it all worked together to make me who I am today. We often have to step back to see the whole picture. I love my “whole picture”. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Would I want to re-live some of those ugly times? No. But I also would not undo the lessons I learned through them. So while some of what I share can be quite personal, I’ve had the privilege to see firsthand what an encouragement it can be to those that read it; although first and foremost, I continue to write for the benefit of my children. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy these glimpses into the extraordinary moments of an otherwise ordinary life.